For those that have listened to the last few episodes of our new podcast know that my Shar-Pei Penny makes appearances. It became a bit of a joke where every time she barks in the background its to remind listeners to go to BarkBox and use her promo-code.
Well, as of writing this, we do not have a promo-code for BarkBox, but after the jokes I went onto the BarkBox website to check them out, and saw they had a SCOOB! theme box to go along with the release of the latest Scooby-Doo animated film SCOOB!
A really quick write-up review before Penny’s Geekasms debut.
I wasn’t sure what to expect with the box. I’ve had a few different subscription boxes in my life, and its always been a mixed bag and I’ve always cancelled after 1-2 months. Our first BarkBox experience has ensured that there will be at least a second month.
Just to go down the list of the items in the SCOOB! BarkBox and Penny’s reaction:
Scoob Toy
The Scoob toy has been on of the bigger hits from the box. Easily Penny’s favorite toy she’s gotten in the last year. Easily.
Mystery Machine Toy
The Mystery Machine toy has gotten some attention, but being a big bulkier than the Scoob toy I think has lead her to keep going back to Scoob. Still a great fetch toy!
Scooby Snack BARK Chew
Not even going to lie; The Scooby Snack bark chew stick lasted maybe 5 minutes. I’m not sure Penny stopped to take a breath while she consumed this thing. Penny LOVED it and scarfed it down in a way that would have made Shaggy and Scooby proud.
Scooby Snacks!
Scooby Snacks are well, Scooby Snacks and they’re also consumed appropriately. Between the two packages of treats, Penny definitely prefers the lamb over the peanut butter, but she’s not turning her nose to a Scooby Snack regardless of flavor!

So overall, for the money, I’m happy with our first venture into BarkBox-dom, as I know Penny is. We’ll definitely be going for a round 2.