This Real-life Mario Kart is what Dreams are Made of!

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By Michael

Recently, I’ve been attempting to sharpen up my Mario Kart driving skills, to the mockery of my wife, children, niece, and friends.

I’ve also, of course, been mowing the yard, and finding myself with a growing case of mower envy.

So essentially, this video is everything to me!

Using his lawnmower and a drone, YouTuber Ian Padgham used some slick CGI skills to turn a simple cruise around his yard, into a full-blown Mario Kart experience. Shells, bananas, lighting, position changes, drifting and more. This video legit has it all!

The video adds that perfect extra touch of dad humor, with the title Mow-Rio Kart.

Filmed using a Skydio 2 drone, and edited using Adobe After Effects, Padgham added various obstacles and moments that are all too familiar to Mario Kart racers.

On the video, one YouTuber comments that “The attention to detail in these effects is astounding” and frankly, I couldn’t agree more!

So if you’ll excuse me, I’ll now go lose 12 consecutive races to 12-year-olds online.


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