LEGO Night – Woody and Buzz to the Rescue

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By Michael

Okay, I’ll come right out and admit this.  I have recently gone back to my childhood and developed an interest in Legos again.  I’m pretty sure it started when I was reading another blog by a father, about getting his daughter a Lego set, but I’m not setting that in stone. (Nor will I say it’s just my overwhelming inner child finding a new way to break free)

So, while trying to figure out some stuff to do with the kids, I decided that getting one or two Lego sets, something we could do together, would be a nice attempt, a test we’ll say, at doing something that gets them away from watching TV for more than 5 minutes.  Well, I decided to start with Canaan since I had him this weekend, and he was simple enough to find a Lego set for.  Toy Story has been his life for the past year since Toy Story 3 came out, so when I saw a few different sets at the store, it was simply a matter of picking which one.

I went with the Woody and Buzz to the Rescue set, which recreates a scene from the first Toy Story movie, where Buzz has a rocket strapped to his back and they’re on RC.  The best part about this one is that RC works where you can pull the car back and it takes off on the floor, and when I say takes off, I mean this little toy has to kick to it!  The first time on the floor ran into a chair leg and pieces went flying!

Anyway, I wasn’t sure how much coaxing it would take to get Canaan to sit at the kitchen table and do this with me, but amazingly enough, all it took was putting together the Woody Lego character, and he was all about it, ready for the next piece, watching the car come together.

Although I had to do most of the building, he was able to help and was very intense with what he was doing (just look at the picture), and I have to say, he had more fun with it than I expected.  He’s already ready to do another set, already has looked through the book seeing what other Toy Story sets he can get (I’m wanting to train set, I’ll admit it), so it definitely looks like we have something new to do on those “down” nights. So I have to admit, Lego night was a complete success, with hopes of repeat performances in our future!


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