Fatherhood: Reloaded – What Came Before is New Again

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By Michael

So, a new site, I need to do some obligatory opening post or an About Me type thing to introduce myself and the reason for this and everything, right?

So here we are!

Upfront; I’m Michael, nice to meet you.  I’m married and a father of three.  The two oldest are in double digits with the youngest having a release date of early 2021.  Oh, and I also turn 40 a few months before my little man’s debut.  Aaaand, this is my third (and final) marriage. So yes, I’ve had three marriages, I have three children from three different women, but only one is with an ex-wife.

So, unpacked all that yet? If you did, then you’re ahead of me, because sometimes I can’t wrap my head around all of it!

You can say I have a less than traditional family setup going.

So why a blog?  Why do this you may ask?  Simple: I like to write, I like having a website, and while at times it stresses me out, I have fun with it.

A bit of background here: I’ve had websites and blogs before.  In fact, I’ve actually pulled a lot of old posts from those different sites and blogs to here at Fatherhood Reloaded and plugged them into the archives, making this site, a nice, neat little central location for all things. You can check out some of those old posts, some a decade old, under Fatherhood: Reloaded – Rewind I started that first site over a decade ago after my daughter was born. Geekasms, which originated as a personal blog, launched in January 2010. Back then, the site was called “Geekasms of the Brain” as it was more random thoughts, mutterings, and things just going on in life. As my children got older, the site quickly changed and evolved towards an overarching pop-culture website with news, reviews, editorials and just sharing insight on all things that could be viewed by the outside world, as “geeky”, including a podcast of the same name, along with a second podcast “Police Box Paradox” which covered everything Doctor Who.

Eventually, due to the site honestly growing too large for me to maintain on my own while life became busier and busier, I found myself burnt out, and Geekasms.com, which bolstered over 2 million visitors, along with the aforementioned podcasts, closed its doors, and I let the bulk of the site fade away.

Then last year, that itch started coming back.  The desire to write and review and just check things out and to share those things started to build in me again.  So, I relaunched my old site (with a slightly different domain) and went back to it. I tried recapturing the magic of old, but I found myself wanting to go beyond the old scope. I found myself wanting to write about health and fitness, parenthood, married life, my dog, and having a bit of fun over the turmoils of approaching 40.  The new site quickly found itself nearly 85% unrelated to the pop culture I used to cover, so I backed off and decided to reevaluate yet again.  The desire was still there, however, the focus was different from what it once was.

Then, my wife and I found out we were expecting and the wheels started turning.  I was finding myself at the cusp of the same place I was over a decade ago when I started my first site, now with a new view on things, and the ability to compare things now to what they were a decade before.

And before you sit and think that things couldn’t be THAT different: my daughter was born when the iPhone 3G was the latest model.  Let that sink in. Just think about how things have changed just on the mobile phone front, let alone the rest of everything.

Yeah, I know!  Thus part of the motivation for this site!

I feel I have unique perspectives, not only with technology and parenting, but with life, and I can laugh at myself along the way. I’m a guy that shares custody of his kids, that fights and struggles with his weight, that has had multiple failed marriages, and who is bald and with a beard.  Let’s admit it: I check a few different boxes.  I’ve had the struggles and stress that comes from the separation from your kids, from dealing with court dates, or watching the number on that scale creep up.  Been there, done that, and came through the other end with an amazing, loving wife, a new baby on the way, and tons of experience and stories to tell.  The way I see it: it’s time to have some fun.

So here we are; in the present, with Fatherhood: Reloaded, accurately named, and a slight homage to one Alton Brown.  I’ll be filling in the backlog as we go, giving background to my life that relates to things in the now.  I’ll be sharing some of my favorite things, throwing a few reviews up from time to time, and just sharing.  Being a father is a wonderful and amazing blessing and adventure.  Everyone’s story is different, and Fatherhood: Reloaded is a small window into mine.

I hope you enjoy the view.


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