Okay, so it’s time for a little rant I suppose. I live in Mt. Vernon, Kentucky. Most people that come to this blog probably don’t even know where that is, or when they read Kentucky, they develop their own opinions rather quickly. Well, the fact is, it’s a rather small town, not exactly in the rural parts of Eastern Kentucky, but at the same time, not far out of it. Now, of course, some people might find that thought calming and peaceful and think it sounds like a nice place to be. I’m not saying it’s not!! I’m not condemning Mt. Vernon, or Rockcastle County, or anything like that, far from it! Sure, it has its flaws, what place doesn’t? And obviously, If parts of me didn’t enjoy living here, I wouldn’t be, but it does make things more challenging for me at times.
Okay, so obviously I’m a geek. I know, that’s a huge shocker considering the name of the page is Geekasms, so I definitely don’t hide from it or try to dress it up as anything else. I’m a tech geek, movie geek, comic geek, I hit the high notes of most things in the realm of Geekdom at one point or another, and most that know me wouldn’t argue that point. Unfortunately, Mt.Vernon doesn’t exactly lend itself to the expansion of certain elements of my geekery. (I realize I keep making up words using ‘geek’, but hey, I’m entertaining myself!). There are plenty of examples I can pull from. One from a few years back, being Gmail. I adapted to Gmail as soon as I was able to. Grabbed an invite from a messaging board, and have never looked back since, and although Google has gradually adapted Gmail with new functions and aspects including chat and others, its been of no use to me because well…..not many people I know have yet to use Gmail, or even consider it, even with me trying to get them to try it. They have no interest in changing what they already have and leave me alone in my Gmail Geekground (play on playground….I know, starting to get sad already)
More up to date examples would be things like Twitter, LinkedIn, and social iPhone apps. On Twitter, I have less than 100 followers, even today, and a very small handful of them are actually from Rockcastle County, and even fewer still live anywhere close! The worst part about that is, I’ve almost reached 1000 tweets! Those are a whole bunch of lonely tweets, no doubt. I’m also on LinkedIn. A website that is obviously picked up in other parts, but nowhere around me. I have very few connections on LinkedIn, and nearly all of them come from people I work with, not anyone from home.
Then we have the iPhone. Yes, many, many adapters to the iPhone, but very little usage in the world of apps I reside in. No one local uses foursquare at all. I still play with it, but its more of a self-entertainment then anything else. Even using apps or searches on foursquare or Twitter to find users close, it’s always just me, and people that have traveled up or down I75.
I live in an area of either very slow adapters, or people that do not adapt at all, while I do my best to be on the front lines and cutting edge of everything going on. Plus, don’t even get me started on the difficulties of finding graphic design work anywhere close!
So why am I ranting? I have no idea. Maybe I hope to get a few sympathetic followers (@Michael_Parsons) or some comments, or I simply have no goal in this but to simply voice my frustration out on the fact that I feel like I’m alone in the world of Geekdom in my general area. But, it is what it is, and I shall continue to fight the good fight, with my army of 1!!